

Scientific breakthroughs achieved using the NanoOne from renowned institutes

The publication list features scientific publications that demonstrate research conducted using the NanoOne high-resolution printing platform. These papers are categorized according to the specific printing resin employed in the study, offering readers valuable insights into the wide-ranging applications and capabilities of the NanoOne system across diverse research fields. Importantly, as the NanoOne platform is engineered to be resin-open, the list encompasses publications utilizing custom-made resins, underscoring the platform’s ability to adapt to and flexibly address specialized product requirements and novel resin formulations.

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Small Journal 

Generation of Tailored Multi-Material Microstructures Through One-Step Direct Laser Writing

Small, Song et al., University of Freiburg, 2024

Direct laser writing has gained remarkable popularity by offering architectural control of 3D objects at submicron scales. However, it faces limitations when the fabrication of microstructures comprising multiple materials is desired.

The generation processes of multi-material microstructures are often very complex, requiring meticulous alignment, as well as a series of step-and-repeat writing and development of the materials. Here, a novel material system based on multilayers of chemically tailored polymers containing anthraquinone crosslinker units is demonstrated. Upon two-photon excitation, the crosslinkers only require nearby aliphatic C,H units as reaction partners to form a crosslinked network.  The desired structure can be written into a solid multi-layered material system, wherein the properties of each material can be designed at the molecular level…

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High-resolution bioprinting
Whitpaper UpNano, Simon Sayer and Aleksandr Ovsianikov, UpNano 2024
Helium-electrospray improves sample delivery in X-ray single-particle imaging experiments
Scientific Reports volume, Yenupuri et al., Uppsala University, 2024
Approaching Standardization: Mechanical Material Testing of Macroscopic two-photon Polymerized Specimens
Advanced Materials, Koch et al., UpNano, TU Wien, CALTECH, RWTH Aachen, 2024
Sub-Micron Replication of Fused Silica Glass and Amorphous Metals for Tool-Based Manufacturing
Advanced Science, Kluck et al., University of Freiburg (IMTEK), UpNano, KIT, Glassomer, Freiburg Materials Research Center (FMF), 2024
A micro‑fabricated device (microICSI) improves porcine blastocyst development and procedural efficiency for both porcine intracytoplasmic sperm injection and human microinjection
Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, McLennan et al., Fertilis, University of Adelaide, University of Melbourne, 2024
Approaching Standardization: Mechanical Material Testing of Macroscopic two-photon Polymerized Specimens
Advanced Materials, Koch et al., UpNano, TU Wien, CALTECH, RWTH Aachen, 2024
A Perfusable Multi-Hydrogel Vasculature On-Chip Engineered by 2-Photon 3D Printing and Scaffold Molding to Improve Microfabrication Fidelity in Hydrogels
Advanced Materials Technologies, Cantoni et al., Uppsala University, 2024
Generation of Tailored Multi-Material Microstructures Through One-Step Direct Laser Writing
Small, Song et al., University of Freiburg, 2024
High-Resolution Structuring of Silica-Based Nanocomposites for the Fabrication of Transparent Multicomponent Glasses with Adjustable Properties
Advanced Materials, Prediger et al., University of Freiburg, Glassomer, 2024
Two-Photon Polymerization of Nanocomposites for Additive Manufacturing of Transparent Magnesium Aluminate Spinel Ceramics
Advanced Science, Prediger et al., University of Freiburg, Glassomer, 2024
Fabrication of Embedded Microfluidic Chips with Single Micron Resolution Using Two-Photon Lithography
Advanced Materials Technologies, Luitz et al., University of Freiburg, 2023
Round-robin testing of commercial two-photon polymerization 3D printers
Additive Manufacturing, Cantoni et al., Uppsala University, Technical University of Denmark, TU Berlin, Université Lyon 1, 2023
Experimentally validated phase-field model to design the wettability of micro-structured surfaces
Materials & Design, Provenzano et al., Politecnico di Torino, Università degli studi Roma Tre, 2023
Nano-liter perfusion microfluidic device made entirely by two-photon polymerization for dynamic cell culture with easy cell recovery
Scientific Reports, McLennan et al., Fertilis, University of Adelaide, University of Melbourne, 2023
In Situ Actuators with Gallium Liquid Metal Alloys and Polypyrrole-Coated Electrodes
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Bhagwat et al., IMTEK – Universität Freiburg, 2023
Dynamic mechanical analysis of suspended soft bodies via hydraulic force spectroscopy
Soft Matter, Berardi et al., Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, OPTICS 11, Polish Academy of Sciences, University of Twente, 2023
Two-Photon Polymerization Printing with High Metal Nanoparticle Loading
ACS Applied Materterials & Interfaces, Kilic et al., University of Uppsala, 2023
Ultrafast Humidity Sensing Layers Made by Two-Photon Polymerization and Initiated Chemical Vapor Deposition
Advanced Sensor Research, Cesnik et al., TU Graz, 2023
Fabrication of Embedded Microfluidic Chips with Single Micron Resolution Using Two-Photon Lithography
Advanced Materials Technologies, Luitz et al., 2023
Nano-liter perfusion microfluidic device made entirely by two-photon polymerization for dynamic cell culture with easy cell recovery
Scientific Reports, McLennan et al., 2023
Overcoming the Transport Limitations of Photopolymer-Derived Architected Carbon
Advanced Materials Technologies, Baglo et al., TU München, NTNU, UpNano, Waters LLC, BAM, 2023
Two-Photon Direct Laser Writing of 3D Scaffolds through C, H-Insertion Crosslinking in a One-Component Material System
Small, Song et al., University of Freiburg, 2023
High-Resolution Patterning of Organic–Inorganic Photoresins for Tungsten and Tungsten Carbide Microstructures
Advanced Engineering Materials, Luitz et al., University of Freiburg, 2023
Photo-crosslinkable Poly(aspartic acid) for Light-based additive Manufacturing: Chain-growth versus Step-growth crosslinking
European Polymer Journal, De Grave et al., Ghent University, Maastricht University, University of Campania, KU Leuven, 2023
Maskless Writing of Surface-Attached Micro-Magnets by Two-Photon Crosslinking
Actuators, Geid et al., IMTEK – Universität Freiburg, 2023
Solid‐State Crosslinkable, Shape‐Memory Polyesters Serving Tissue Engineering
Macromolecular Rapid Communications, Delaey et al., Ghent University, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Hasselt University, 2023
Replicative manufacturing of metal moulds for low surface roughness polymer replication
Nature Communications, Kluck et al., IMTEK – Universität Freiburg, KIMW, KIT, 2022
Hybrid design and prototyping of metamaterials and metasurfaces
Virtual and Physical Prototyping, Franco-Martínez et al., Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Med Uni Wien, LBI, 2022
Guiding cell migration in 3D with high-resolution photografting
Scientific Reports, Sayer et al., TU Wien, 2022
Beyond the Threshold: A Study of Chalcogenophene-Based Two-Photon Initiators
Chemistry of Materials, Lunzer et al., UpNano, TU Wien, Uni Genf, 2022
Synthesis of Fast Curing, Water-Resistant and Photopolymerizable Glass for Recording of Holographic Structures by One- and Two-Photon Lithography
Advanced Optical Materials, Mikulchyk et al., TU Dublin, UpNano, 2022
High Resolution Patterning of an Organic-Inorganic Photoresin for the Fabrication of Platinum Microstructures
Advanced Materials, Luitz et al., IMTEK – Universität Freiburg, UpNano, 2021