Scientific breakthroughs achieved using the NanoOne from renowned institutes
The publication list features scientific publications that demonstrate research conducted using the NanoOne high-resolution printing platform. These papers are categorized according to the specific printing resin employed in the study, offering readers valuable insights into the wide-ranging applications and capabilities of the NanoOne system across diverse research fields. Importantly, as the NanoOne platform is engineered to be resin-open, the list encompasses publications utilizing custom-made resins, underscoring the platform’s ability to adapt to and flexibly address specialized product requirements and novel resin formulations.
Latest publication
Physics of Plasmas
A Gym for Cells—Direct Laser Writing of Magnetic Multilayered Micro Actuators for Mechanical Stimulation of Cells
Kemp et al., Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, University of Rochester, General Atomics, Los Alamos National Laboratory, 2025

A multi-laboratory collaborative effort is currently exploring the feasibility of laser direct drive liquid deuterium–tritium (DT) wetted foam inertial confinement fusion concepts being considered for novel neutron sources on the National Ignition Facility (NIF) laser.
In contrast to the laser indirect drive approach that recently demonstrated ignition in the laboratory, these concepts also offer the potential of multi-MJ yields but with less damaging laser drives, improved robustness to target and drive imperfections, and enhanced facility fielding flexibility and orders-of-magnitude less target debris: favorable aspects for neutron exposure environments and inertial fusion energy concepts, alike. We present the current status of the experimental platform and radiation-hydrodynamics modeling development efforts to better understand the potential risks and benefits associated with these designs for the envisioned implementation on the NIF laser encompassing…